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为何巨蟹座叫 Cancer
Can英语聊十二星座 属于你的星座关键词是什么 看看和你相符吗
cer, or the sign of the Crab in astrology, is known for its intuitive and emotional nature. Those born under this sign are often deeply connected to their emotions and those of others, and can be very sensitive and nurturing. One of the key traits of Cancer is their strong desire to protect and care for those they love. They are highly empathetic and often take on the emotions of others, which can be both a strength and a weakness. On the positive side, this makes them excellent caretakers and friends, always ready to listen and offer support. On the negative side, cancer can become overwhelmed by the emotions of others and may struggle to maintain their own boundaries and sense of self. Another key aspect of Cancer is their connection to the past. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which governs emotional memory and nostalgia. Those born under this sign often have a deep appreciation for traditions and family history, and may feel a strong pull towards their ancestral roots. This connection to the past can also make them hesitant to let go of things or people, even if they are no longer serving them. Cancer can also be quite intuitive, able to sense the needs and emotions of others without being told directly. This intuition can make them excellent at reading between the lines and goading others to open up and share their own feelings. It can also make them quite psychic, with a deep understanding of the unseen forces at play in the world. O{《推荐更多 星座常识大全常识请关注 :朴朴星座常识网,wWW.iMpUpu.Com〕)verall, those born under the sign of Cancer have a deeply emotional and intuitive nature, with strong connections to their past and their loved ones. While they may struggle with boundaries and emotional overwhelm at times, their nurturing nature and deep empathy make them invaluable friends and caregivers.普通人眼里的癌和科学家眼里的癌,差了好几座坟


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