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Lib狮子座2016年运势 善林轩本命佛
ra: The Sign of Balance and Harmony Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning from September 23 to October 22. It is represented by the scales, which symbolize balance and harmony. People born under this sign are known for their sense of justice, diplomacy, and appreciation of beauty. Libras are social beings who thrive in a harmonious environment. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice, and are often called upon to mediate conflicts. They are gifted diplomats and can easily balance opposing views and find a compromise that benefits everyone involved. Libras are also known for their appreciation of beauty, whether it is in nature, art, or even people. They have a refined taste and an eye for aesthetics. They take pleasure in creating a beautiful environment and strive to make everything around them visually appealing. However, Libras can also have a tendency to be indecisive and may struggle with making choices. They often weigh the pros and cons of a situation, looking at it from all angles, which can result in analysis paralysis. This can make them appear wishy-washy or uncertain. In love, Libras are romantic and charming. They love being in a relationship and value their partner’s opinion. They also make great friends, as they are loyal and supportive. Overall, Libras are a sign of balance and harmony. They strive to create a harmonious environment everywhere they go, and seek to find balance and justice in all aspects of life. Their appreciation of beauty and love of peace make them a wonderful addition to any social setting.唐绮阳狮子座2020年5月运势查询


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