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How big is the heart of a Cancerian?” A question th「领略更多 宝宝取名资讯请关注 :奶糖起名网,wWW.inAItaNg.cOm〗】at may seem simple but in reality, it holds a complex answer. Cancerians are known for being emotional and sensitive individuals. Their hearts are filled with compassion and empathy, making them great listeners and friends. They are deeply connected to their loved ones and will go to great lengths to ensure their happiness and well-being. Despite their strong exterior, Cancerians tend to be easily hurt. Their hearts can be fragile and they are quick to retreat into their shell when feeling vulnerable. However, this does not mean they are weak. In fact, it takes great strength to allow oneself to be vulnerable and open to others. One of the defining traits of a Cancerian’s heart is their loyalty. Once they have formed a bond with someone, they will remain fiercely loyal and devoted. This loyalty extends to their family and home, as Cancerians value their sense of security and comfort. On the flip side, Cancerians can also be possessive and clingy. They may struggle to let go of people, even if it is for their own good. This possessiveness stems from their fear of losing the people they care about and the security they provide. Despite these challenges, a Cancerian’s heart is ultimately boundless. They strive to spread love and kindness wherever they go and are known for their selflessness. Whether it is through acts of service or simply lending a listening ear, Cancerians are always there for those in need. In conclusion, the heart of a Cancerian is both delicate and powerful. It is capable of great love and loyalty, yet also vulnerable to pain and insecurity. However, at its core, a Cancerian’s heart is filled with compassion and a desire to make the world a kinder, more loving place.2021年,巨蟹座的爱情,运势


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