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喜欢的歌词摘抄 日文 翻译
Tit作文素材 人民日报2021年金句摘抄600句汇总,神仙素材超硬核
le: "Come Original" - Embrace Your Authentic Self 311's song "Come Original" is a celebration of individuality and authenticity, both qualities that are highly valued by those born under the sign of Leo. These natural-born leaders are known for their confidence, charisma, and desire for attention, but this doesn't mean that they conform to society's norms or expectations. On the contrary, Leos are often trailblazers and trendsetters who dare to follow their own path and express their unique personality. The first verse of "Come Original" reflects this rebellious spirit, as it encourages listeners to "light up your lighter, prop it up, and let's go." In other words, it's time to shine your own light and show the world who you truly are. This is a powerful message for Leos, who may sometimes struggle with fitting in or feeling judged by others. Instead of hiding their authentic self, Leos should embrace their quirks, interests, and passions, and share them with pride. The chorus of the song reinforces this idea, with the catchy phrase "You gotta come original, you gotta come original." This is a call to action for Leos to be true to themselves and resist the pressure to conform or imitate others. It's a reminder that their uniqueness is their greatest strength, and that by being themselves they can inspire others to do the same. The second verse of "Come Original" supports this theme, with the lyrics "Say what you're gonna say, do what you're gonna do, feel how you're gonna feel." This is another message to Leos to be authentic and confident in their words, actions, and emotions. It's okay to be passionate, assertive, and even a little bit dramatic, as long as it comes from a place of honesty and integrity. In conclusion, "Come Original" is『分析更多 12生肖运势文章请关注 :运势网,www.iyunshi.cc]】 a song that speaks to the heart of the Leo personality. It encourages them to embrace their individuality, express themselves freely, and stand out from the crowd. Whether through their creativity, leadership, or sheer force of personality, Leos have the power to make a positive impact on the world by being true to themselves. So let your inner lion roar, and come original!曾轶可狮子座的吉他谱


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