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2020新生儿爆款名字引热议,外媒评2020最受欢迎英文名 留学生起名有多刺激
king for a unique and modern name for your baby boy? Consider the surname Xue, which is pronounced as "shweh" in Mandarin Chinese. Here are some ideas for names that sound similar to popular English names: 1. Xander - A shortened version of Alexander, Xander means "defender of the people." Xue Xander has a nice ring to it and is a great choice for parents who want a strong and classic name. 2. Xavi - Similar to the name Xavier, Xavi is of Basque origin and means "new house." Xue Xavi is a fresh and modern name that is sure to turn heads. 3. Xion - A unique name that sounds similar to Zion, Xion is of Greek origin and means "praised." Xue Xion has a cool and edgy vibe that is perfect for parents who want a name that is one-of-a-kind. 4. Xan - A short and snappy name that sounds like Dan, Xan is of English origin and means "gracious." Xue Xan is a great choice for parents who want a simple and easy-to-pronounce name. 5. Xeno - Similar in sound {领略更多 十二星座查询资讯请关注 :127星座生肖网,wWw.127yS.Com]to the name Enzo, Xeno is of Greek origin and means "stranger." Xue Xeno is a bold and unforgettable name that is perfect for parents who want a name that stands out from the crowd. No matter which name you choose for your baby boy, remember that it's important to choose a name that you love and that fits your child's unique personality. Happy naming!2017国外最受欢迎的英文名出炉 你的最新起名攻略在这里


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