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哈利波特与魔法石 20年依然屹立不倒的原因,没有无缘无故的爱
Har哈利波特与混血王子 发布5张角色海报
ry Potter Characters: Libra Zodiac Sign The Libra sign is known for being harmonious, balanced, and a lover of beauty. Some prominent Harry Potter characters have this zodiac sign, and their personalities often reflect these traits. One such character is Hermione Granger, born on September 19th. Hermione is a classic Libra, valuing fairness and justice above all else. Her quest for knowledge and her desire to do the right thing often put her in a position to mediate between her friends and promote peace. Another character with a Libra zodiac sign is Remus Lupin. He was born on September 19th, sharing Hermione's birth date, and reflects many of the same values as her. In his role as a mentor to Harry, Lupin consistently urged him to choose the path of kindness and understanding, rather than revenge or hatred. Luna Lovegood, born on September 13th, also has a strong Libra personality. Though seen as odd or out of place by many of her peers, she remains steadfast in her beliefs and her appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. Her kind and open-minded nature make her a valuable friend to Harry and his friends. Narcissa Malfoy, born on October 21st, is also a Libra, but her personality differs from the others on this list. Narcissa's desire for balance is often skewed by her loyalty to her family, leading her to do what she thinks is right for them, regardless of the cost. Overall, the L『阅读更多 生肖星座配对常识请关注 :12星座配对网,wWw.xZPd.cC〕】ibra sign is well-represented in the world of Harry Potter, and its emphasis on balance, harmony, and a sense of fairness resonates throughout the series.英文小说精读 笑看 哈利波特 中的人物


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