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英语国家常用新生儿名字 美英澳三国大同小异
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t Common Names in the US and UK Names are an essential part of our identity and often a reflection of our culture and personal preferences. In the US and UK, the most commonly given names are frequently changing, but some names remain popular year after year. In the US, the top 5 most common male names are John, William, James, Michael, and David, while the top 5 most common female names are Mary, Patricia, Jennifer, Linda, and Elizabeth. These names have been popular for decades and are still widely used by parents today. The UK has similar but slightly different trends. The top 5 male names are Oliver, George, Harry, Noah, and Jack, while the top 5 female names are Olivia, Amelia, Isla, Ava, and Emily. There has been a rise in unique and uncommon names in recent years, but these names still hold a significant portion of the overall popularity. Aside from these popular names, there are also traditionally gender-neutral names such as Alex, Taylor, and Jamie that continue to gain popularity in both the US and UK. These names provide a modern and inclusive approach to naming children, allowing for flexibility and creativity among parents. Overall, names hol「领略更多 生肖月份查询资讯请关注 :含笑生肖性格网,wWW.iMHAnxiaO.cOM」d a significant place in our society and reflect the values and preferences of each generation. Whether it's a classic or unique name, every name has unique meaning and significance to the individuals who bear them.一些插画冷知识,送给萌萌的你们


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