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w: The Universal Language of Cats Cats have many different ways of communicating, from body language to vocalizations. But there is one sound that every cat, no matter what language they speak, understands: meow. Meowing is a universal cat language that is used for a variety of reasons. Sometimes cats meow to say hello to their humans, while other times they might meow to let their owners know that it's time for food or play. Meowing can also be a way for cats to express their feelings, whether they're happy, sad, or frustrated. Interestingly, cats don't seem to meow to communicate with each other. Instead, they use body language, scent, a〔阅读更多 男生网名知识请关注 :网名取名网,WwW.iqUmiNg.cC』)nd other vocalizations, like hissing and growling, to interact with one another. It seems that meowing is a behavior that has specifically evolved for communicating with humans. Despite the fact that meowing is not used in cat-to-cat communication, it has become an essential part of our relationships with our feline friends. Just as we use words and tone to communicate with one another, cats use meows and body language to communicate with us. So the next time you hear your cat meowing, take some time to listen. Whether they're asking for a treat or just saying hello, they're speaking to you in a unique and universal language that only cats and their humans can understand.猫的英文名你知道多少个


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