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口译必备 最全国际组织名称中英对照 缩略词
CCT口译必备 最全国际组织名称中英对照 缩略词
V: China Central Television CCTV is the abbreviation of China Central Television, the national television broadcaster of China. It was founded on September 2, 1958, and has since become one of the largest and most influential media organizations in the country. CCTV operates multiple channels offering a range of programming, including news, documentaries, dramas, entertainment, sports, and much more. It also has international channels that cater to audiences outside China, broadcasting in various languages such as English, French, Spanish, and Arabic. CCTV is known for its extensive coverage of major events and breaking news both within China and around the world. From national holidays to major international summits, CCTV's news team is always on the ground, providing viewers with up-to-date information. The network has also been instrumental in bringing awareness to important social issues and promoting cultural exchange between China and other countries. As technology continues to advance, CCTV has also kept up with the times, offering online streaming services that allow vi〔推荐更多 周易起名常识请关注 :木偶取名网,wWW.muOU888.cOM』ewers to watch their favorite shows anytime, anywhere. The network has also embraced social media, with a strong presence on platforms such as Weibo and WeChat. Overall, CCTV plays an essential role in shaping Chinese media and has become a significant voice in global media. With its diverse programming and comprehensive coverage, CCTV continues to inform, entertain, and enlighten viewers at home and abroad.口译必备 最全国际组织名称中英对照 缩略词


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