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51talk和阿卡索少儿英语怎么样 价格相差两倍,都是菲教为何差距这么大
Difference in Naming Customs Between the East and the West Naming customs in the East and West are vastly different. Whereas Western names are often given based on personal preferences or familial traditions, Eastern names often carry symbolic meanings related to cultural values, beliefs, and expectations. In the West, parents have greater leeway in choosing names for their children. Some choose names based on the meaning of the name or a family member who held the name. Others choose names based on personal preference or pop culture figures. Western names are often simple and straightforward, consisting of first and last names that are easy to remember and pronounce. In contrast, Eastern names are steeped in tradition and deep meaning. In China, for instance, the surname typically comes first and carries great importance, as it denotes one’s family and ancestry. Many Chinese names also have symbolic meaning, such as 勇 (yǒng), which means “brave,” or 嘉 (jiā), which means “excellent.” Similarly, in Japan, names are often chosen based on the meaning of the kanji symbols used to write them. Despite these differences, there is an increasing trend towards globalized naming conventions, with many people choosing names from different cultures. For example, Western parents may choose Chinese names for their children because of their symbolic meaning, while Eastern parents may give their children Western names as a way of expressing their appreciation for Western culture. In conclusi{领略更多 星座每日运势文章请关注 :运势网,wWw.iyUNShi.cC〕)on, the differences between Western and Eastern naming customs reflect the divergent cultural values and traditions between these two regions. However, as globalization continues to bring people of different cultures together, naming customs are likely to evolve and become more diverse than ever before.备考2017高考英语熟词新义词语不同语境意义不同


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