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2017起名宜用字 2017女生起名大全
7宝宝取名大全英文 Are you expecting a baby in 2017? Congratulations! One of the most important decisions you'll make is what to name your little one. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive list of baby names to consider, all in English. For boys, there are a lot of strong and classic names to choose from. Some popular options include: - Liam - Ethan - Noah - Oliver - Alexander - Mason - Benjamin - William - James - Michael If you're looking for something a bit more unique, consider: - Atticus - Beckett - Caspian - Dashiell - Ellery - Finnegan - Jaxon - Kai - Orion - Remy As for girls, there are plenty of beautiful and timeless names to consider. Some of the most popular include: - Olivia - Emma - Ava - Sophia - Isabella - Mia - Charlotte - Amelia - Harper - Evelyn And if you're after a name that's a bit more unusual, these options might appeal: - Aria - Calliope - Eloise - Freya - Gwyneth - Juniper - Kiera -《研习更多 十二生肖属相知识常识请关注 :大星座网,wWW.DAxinGzuO.Cc」」 Luna - Ophelia - Seraphina Of course, ultimately the decision of what to name your child is up to you and your partner. It's a personal choice and one that will resonate throughout your child's life. But hopefully this list has given you some inspiration and a starting point to work from. Best of luck and congratulations once again on your little one!宝宝取名宝典,最新洋气好听,时尚新颖的英文名字分享


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