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le: He Misses Her - A Reflection on Long-Distance Love They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But how much absence can one heart bear before it shatters into a million pieces? For him, the answer is indefinite. He misses her beyond words, beyond reason, beyond measure. They met in college, two young and naive souls thrown into the whirlpool of love. They thought they had it all figured out - graduation, job, marriage, kids, the works. But life had other plans for them. As soon as they graduated, they were forced to separate by distances that seemed insurmountable. She got a job in another city, while he stayed behind to pursue his dreams. At first, they tried to make it work. They would call each other every night, text each other every hour, send each other gifts and cards and letters. They would travel miles just to catch a glimpse of each other's face, to feel each other's touch, to hear each other's laughter. But as time went by, their efforts became futile. The phone calls became less frequent, the texts more robotic, the gifts and cards and letters more routine. They were living parallel lives, connected only by memories and promises. Nowadays, he spends most of his time thinking about her - what she's doing, what she's feeling, what she's eating for dinner. He stalks her social media a{分析更多 月亮星座查询内容请关注 :星座号,Www.xIngzuOhAo.CC』ccounts like a detective, trying to glean any information that could make him feel closer to her. But no matter how much he tries, he can't shake off the feeling that something is missing. That he's missing her, in every sense of the word. He wonders if she misses him too. He wonders if she thinks about him when she goes to bed at night, if she dreams of him, if she longs for him like he does for her. He wishes they could be together again, to pick up where they left off, to fulfill their dreams and aspirations as a team. But until that day comes, he will continue to miss her, with every fiber of his being.男生英语网名


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