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教科版 三起 四年级下册英语小学电子课本教材 高清版PDF下载
ctric Appliance Names In the modern era, we rely on electric appliances to carry out countless tasks. From cooking to cleaning, we use various electric appliances to make our lives easier and more efficient. But have you ever wondered where the names of these appliances come from? Let's take a closer look at some common electric appliance names. Refrigerator - The term 'refrigerator' dates back to the early 1800s when iceboxes were developed for preserving food. The word 'refrigerate' is based on Latin roots meaning "to cool again" or "to make cold." Over time, the iceboxes evolved into electric refrigerators, but the name stuck. Microwave - The name 'microwave' comes from the technology used by the appliance. Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range to heat and cook food. The word 'microwave' was first introduced in the 1930s and became more widely known in the 1960s when the first commercially available microwave ovens were introduced. Blender - The term 'blender' was first used in 1922 to describe an electric 《浏览更多 十二生肖和十二星座文章请关注 :芦荟星座生肖网,Www.iLuhuI.CC〕mixer used for blending drinks. The appliance was originally called a 'milkshake mixer' but was later renamed the blender due to its versatility in blending various foods. Toaster - The name 'toaster' comes from the appliance's primary function, which is to toast bread. The word 'toast' has roots in Latin, meaning "to burn," which is fitting for an appliance that heats bread until it's crispy and toasted. Washing Machine - The name 'washing machine' is straightforward and self-explanatory. The appliance is used for washing garments and textiles and is often shortened to simply 'washer.' These are just a few examples of the origins of electric appliance names. Next time you use one of these appliances, you can appreciate the history behind the name and how it evolved over time to become part of our everyday vocabulary.冀教版六年级英语上册课文听力 电子课本 高清


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