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从十二星座中学习英语单词 天蝎座
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Origin of Scorpio Zodiac Sign Scorpio is one of the twelve zodiac signs used i『浏览更多 十二星座与性格文章请关注 :浣熊星座知识网,wWW.ImhuAnxiOng.coM」n Western astrology, and it is represented by a scorpion. Its origin can be traced back to ancient Greece, where astrology was a part of everyday life. The Greeks believed that the gods had assigned each month of the year to a set of constellations, and Scorpio was one of them. The name "Scorpio" comes from the Latin word "scorpio" which means "scorpion." Scorpio is also associated with the Lurkio constellation, which is situated between the constellation Libra and Sagittarius. The mythological story surrounding Scorpio says that it was a giant scorpion that killed Orion, a great hunter and son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. In Babylonian astrology, the constellation of Scorpio was associated with the goddess Ishtar. It was believed that Ishtar's influence made Scorpio a powerful and dangerous sign, associated with death and rebirth. This symbolism has continued throughout the centuries, and Scorpio is still considered one of the most intense and mysterious zodiac signs. People born under the sign of Scorpio are known for their deep emotions, passion, and strong will. They are also known to be fiercely loyal to those they love, and they are not afraid to take risks or confront challenges head-on. However, Scorpios can also be secretive and suspicious, and they have been known to hold grudges. In conclusion, the origin of Scorpio is intertwined with mythology and ancient beliefs, and its symbolism has continued to fascinate and intrigue people throughout the centuries. Whether or not you believe in astrology, there is no denying that Scorpio is a powerful and complex zodiac sign that continues to captivate us to this day.星座英语 天蝎座男性最适合的英文名字 Richard James ... 萨拉之恋的碎碎


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