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水瓶座的故事 翻译

le: The Story of Aquarius Aquarius is one of the twelve zodiac signs, represented by the water bearer. According to mythology, the water bearer is a beautiful youth named Ganymede, whom Zeus fell in love with and brought to Mount Olympus to serve as a cup-bearer for the gods. Those born under the sign of Aquarius are known to be independent thinkers, intellectually curious and unafraid of exploring new ideas. They march to their own drumbeat, often resisting trends or conforming to social norms. Aquarians have a deep need for fr『阅读更多 婚姻配对内容请关注 :姻缘配对网,Www.IPeidUI.cC〗】eedom and individuality. They value personal expression, creativity and innovation. Their natural rebellious streak can sometimes lead them to question authority and the status quo, while their humanitarian impulses drive them to seek out social justice and to prioritize the needs of the collective over the needs of the individual. Despite their visionary and innovative qualities, Aquarians can also be prone to eccentricity and detachment. They may struggle with emotional intimacy and may seem aloof or removed from the emotions of those around them. In the end, however, the spirit of Aquarius is one of hope, community and boundless potential. Those under this sign remind us of the infinite possibilities that exist when we are unafraid to dream, step outside of the box and forge our own paths in life.2月3日是什么座


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