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女星究竟谁最美 外国记者未经PS的照片告诉你答案
The美国女星弗朗辛约克去世享年80岁 曾出演 枕边故事
Charismatic Libra Women of Hollywood Libra women are known for their beauty, charm, and grace. And Hollywood has been home to some of the most talented and captivating Libras in the entertainment industry. One such star is Kim Kardashian West, born on October 21 st , 1980. Despite facing constant criticism, this fashion icon has remained a force to be reckoned with. Her charismatic person《{阅读更多 十二星座配对知识请关注 :123星座网,wWw.123152.cOm』]ality and business acumen have helped her build an empire that includes a clothing line, fragrance collection, and a makeup brand. Another Libra star who has made waves in Hollywood is Susan Sarandon, born on October 4 th , 1946. With her talent and commanding presence, Susan has been a part of many critically acclaimed movies such as "Thelma & Louise" and "Dead Man Walking". With her wit and beauty, she has also become an admirable activist, fighting for women's rights and serving as an ambassador for UNICEF. One more notable Libra woman in Hollywood is Marion Cotillard, born September 30 th , 1975. With her stunning good looks and incredible acting abilities, this French actress has won several awards, including an Academy Award for her performance in "La Vie en Rose". Her magnetic energy and love for films have allowed her to make her mark in the movie industry. In conclusion, Libra women in Hollywood have proven to be inspiring. From building businesses to fighting for causes they believe in, these women have become powerful role models who are changing the game in their industry. Their charming personalities and magnetic energy have made them stand out in a crowd, which is no easy feat in the entertainment industry.12星座女星告诉你你最适合什么妆容


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