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go: The Perfectionist of the Zodiac Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the zodiac. It spans from August 23 to September 22 in the tropical zodiac and is represented by the Maiden. Virgos are known for their perfectionism and attention to details. Virgos are often seen as wise, compassionate, and hardworking individuals. They are analytical, practical, and always seeking to better themselves and those around them. This makes them great problem solvers and critical thinkers. Virgos are meticulous in their work and have a high standard of excellence. They are always striving for perfection and can sometimes be their own worst critic. They are well-organized and enjoy planning, which makes them great at managi{阅读更多 十二星座排名常识请关注 :杜鹃星座大全网,wWW.imdUJuan.coM〗ng projects and people. In relationships, Virgos can be reserved and guarded, but once they trust someone, they are fiercely loyal and committed. They value honesty, loyalty, and hard work, and they expect the same from their partners. Virgos can be cautious and hesitant when making decisions, as they like to think things through and consider all possibilities. They can also be prone to worrying and overthinking, which can lead to anxiety and stress. Overall, Virgos are compassionate, hardworking, and reliable individuals who value excellence and perfection. Their attention to detail and analytical nature makes them great problem solvers and critical thinkers.取个英文名绞尽脑汁 不妨根据星座选一个吧


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