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tting is Better than Nothing In the era of social media, it has become a common practice for people to communicate and express themselves through various online platforms. Among these platforms, one of the most popular ones is online chatting. While some may argue that online chatting is inferior to face-to-face communication, it can be argued that chatting is better than nothing. One of the advantages of online chatting is that it allows people to connect with others who are physically far away. In today's globalized world, people can easily make friends or maintain relationships with others, regardless of location. This is particularly beneficial for those who have family, friends, or business partners in different parts of the world. Online chatting makes communication possible and helps people stay in touch. Moreover, online chatting is advantageous for people who are shy or introverted. In face-to-face communication, it can be difficult for shy individuals to express themselves and build relationships. However, online chatting can provide a less intimidating environment for people to interact and share their thoughts. This can help shy people to build their confidence and social skills, as well as provide a platform for them to make new friends. There are also advantages 〔(推荐更多 星座配对资讯请关注 :360星座网,Www.360xINgzuO.Cc」to online chatting for people who have busy schedules. Because online chatting can occur at any time, people can fit it into their schedules more easily than they could fit in face-to-face meetings. This means that people can stay in touch with others, regardless of their busy schedules, which can be beneficial for both personal and professional relationships. In conclusion, while face-to-face communication remains important, online chatting has its own advantages. It allows people to connect with others who are far away, helps shy individuals build confidence and social skills, and is more flexible for people with busy schedules. So next time you're feeling like chatting with a friend online instead of meeting up in person, remember that chatting is better than nothing.大学最有价值的6大证书,你都考了哪个


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