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My 研究 成年人过度努力学英语或影响学习效果
Journey to English Fluency Learning English has been a challenging yet exciting journey for me. As a non-native speaker, I started my English proficiency journey as a beginner. I was determined to improve my reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. To achieve my goal, I started by joining a language center, where I took English classes. I also frequently listen to English songs and watched movies with English subtitles. I made it a habit to read English books, articles, and newspapers regularly. Moreover, I tried to converse with native speakers at every opportunity I got. Despite facing challenges such as difficu『浏览更多 姻缘资讯请关注 :234生肖运势网,wWW.Ys234.cC』)lty in understanding accents, grammatical errors, and fear of speaking, my determination never dwindled. I continuously improved my language skills and gradually started seeing progress. I recall an upskirting experience that disrupted my journey, making it difficult to concentrate on my studies. However, I managed to overcome this experience with the support of my family, friends, and the school administration. They provided me with a safe learning environment and encouraged me to continue with my studies. With the passage of time, I got better at my communication skills, and my proficiency in English improved immensely. I also got the opportunity to visit an English-speaking country where I got to communicate with natives, which worked wonders for my language abilities. Today, I can confidently say that my journey to English fluency has been successful. I have learned a lot throughout this journey, from being determined in my goals to overcoming challenges. I believe that nothing is impossible with determination and hard work, and that learning a new language can open up so many opportunities. In conclusion, learning English has been an incredible journey for me, and I have embraced every moment of it. By putting in the effort, dedication, and determination into my studies, I managed to overcome obstacles and achieve my goal of English fluency. I hope that my story can inspire others to recognize the importance of learning a new language, and how it can open up so many possibilities in life.在硅谷呆了两年的我和香港朋友,唠了点交心嗑 见识真的很重要


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