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In 十二生肖起源之谜,源于本土还是国外,在秦代竹简中有了重大发现
many cultures around the world, animals have been assigned symbolism and attributes that connect them to the human experience. The Chinese zodiac, for example, is based o〔(推荐更多 星座配对资讯请关注 :360星座网,Www.360xINgzuO.Cc」n the cycle of twelve animals, each representing a different year in the lunar calendar. However, the tradition of assigning symbolic qualities to animals is not unique to China - many other cultures have their own animal-based systems, such as the African Zulu and the Native American astrology. In this article, we will explore some of the different zodiacs used around the world. In the African Zulu culture, the "African Animal Astrology" is based on twelve animals, each corresponding to a month of the year. The system places high importance on the characteristics and behavior of animals, which are seen as symbolic of the different traits that can be seen in human beings. For example, the Mbuzi (goat) is known for its clarity of mind and ability to discern things that others may not perceive. Those born under this sign are thought to possess similar qualities, which may make them good leaders or decision-makers. Similarly, the Native American zodiac is based on twelve animals, each representing a different moon cycle of the year. This system places a strong emphasis on the natural world and the interconnectivity of all living beings. The animal assigned to each month reflects the traits and energies that are most prevalent during that time of the year. For example, the Otter (January-February) represents playfulness, joyfulness, and the need for social connection. Individuals born under this sign may be seen as being light-hearted and good-natured. In Hindu astrology, the twelve signs of the zodiac are associated with different planets and their corresponding attributes. For example, the first sign, Aries, is ruled by Mars, which is known for its fiery energy and passion. Individuals born under this sign are often seen as being driven, energetic, and confident. Other signs, such as Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Pisces (ruled by Jupiter), have their own unique characteristics and energies. Ultimately, the many different zodiacs used around the world share the same basic premise: that animals possess symbolic characteristics and energies that can be seen reflected in human beings. Whether it is the Chinese zodiac, the African Animal Astrology, or the Native American system, these traditions have been used for centuries to help people connect with the natural world and better understand themselves and others.外国人有十二生肖吗 如何用英语问 你属什么


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