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My 英文名字释义大全
English Name: Exploring Identity Through a Chosen Name Choosing an English name in addition to a given name is a common practice in many countries, especially in Asia. It offers individuals an opportunity to explore their identity beyond the cultural context of their birth name. For me, choosing an English name has been a process of self-discovery and reflection. My English name is Kiera, which means "dark-haired" in Irish. It was the name of my favorite character in a book I read when I was a teenager. I instantly fell in love with the name, and it felt like it represented a part of me that I never knew existed before. Growing up, I struggled with my identity as an immigrant in a foreign country. My given name was difficult to pronounce and often got mispronounced by my teachers and classmates. It made me feel different and isolated. When I started using Kiera as my English name, it gave me a sense of belonging and agency. It became a symbol of empowerment and self-expression. Choosing an English name is not just about adopting a new label. It is a personal choice that reflects one's values, personality, and aspirations. It allows individuals to shape their identity and redefine their sense of self in a multicultural world. However, the process of adopting an E(浏览更多 十二星座爱情配对文章请关注 :科彼星座配对网,wwW.ikEBI.Cc」nglish name is not always easy. It requires a lot of thought and consideration, as it can have significant implications for one's communication and interaction with others. It also poses questions about cultural assimilation and authenticity. In conclusion, choosing an English name has been a meaningful journey of self-discovery for me. It has allowed me to explore my identity beyond the boundaries of my given name and cultural background. It has given me a sense of confidence and belonging, and it has enabled me to connect with people from different backgrounds on a deeper level. My English name, Kiera, is not just a label, but a part of my identity that I cherish and embrace.如何起英文名字 2019英语名字女生大全教会你


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