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Crush: The Boy with the Dreamy Smile There's this boy in my class who always seems to catch my eye. He has the most dreamy smile and when he laughs, it sounds like music to my ears. I can't help but blush when he passes me in the hallway or says hello. His name is Dylan, but I like to call him "Dreamboat" in my head. I've never really talked to him, except for the occasional "hello" or "goodbye." But I've noticed that he's really kind to everyone around him and always seems to be happy. Sometimes I catch myself staring at him during class and have to quickly look away before he notices. I always wonder what he's thinking about when he's staring out the window or doodling in his notebook. Does he like the same things I do? Does he have a favorite band or movie? Maybe one day we'll actually have a conversation and I'll find out. Even though I've never really talked to him, I still feel lik「阅读更多 生肖性格常识请关注 :迎春生肖查询网,wWW.imYingcHUN.cOm』e we have a connection. When we're in the same room, it's like there's a magnetic force pulling me towards him. I try to act cool around him, but inside I'm a bundle of nerves. I don't know if he has a girlfriend or if he even likes me in that way. But for now, I'm content just admiring him from afar. Maybe one day, I'll muster up the courage to talk to him and see if there's something more between us. Until then, I'll just keep swooning over his dreamy smile and hoping that one day he'll notice me too.男生,叫言语汇取什么英文名字好 女生也叫这个名字取什么英文名字好 不要重复


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