nghai is a bustling city filled with energy and excitement. One fascinating aspect of this city is the mobile phone numbers that its residents use. These numbers are more than just a string of digits. They are a reflection of one's status and social standing in Shanghai's fast-paced society. In this article, we'll explore the good and bad Shanghai mobile phone numbers and what they can mean for the people who hold them. First, let's start with the good numbers. In general, numbers that contain the digits 8 and 9 are considered lucky in Shanghai. This is because the pronunciation of these digits in the local dialect sounds like the words for prosperity and longevity, respectively. For example, a mobile phone number with the digits 8888 or 9999 could be highly sought after by those who believe in the power of these auspicious numbers. Another good luck number is 168, which sounds like the phrase "continuous fortune" in Mandarin. People who hold phone numbers containing this combination may feel a sense of pride and confidence in their financial and personal success. On the other hand, there are some less desirable numbers in Shanghai that are considered bad luck. The number 4 is one such example, as it sounds similar to the word "death" in the local dialect. Many people in Shanghai avoid using phone numbers that contain the digit 4, or they may even change their existing number if they suddenly realize it contains this number. Similarly, the number 7 is also viewed as unlucky by some. This is because, in Chinese culture, the number 7 is associated with ghosts and spirits. For those who are superstitious, a phone number containing the digit 7 could bring negative energy into their lives. Of course, not everyone in Shanghai is superstitious or concerned about the number on their mobile phone. However, for some individuals, having a lucky phone number can provide a sense of security and invincibility. It can also be seen as a way to stand out from the crowd and exhibit one's success or status. In conclusion, the mobile phone numbers of Shanghai can be both fascinating and complex. From lucky combinations to unlucky digits, these numbers are imbued with meaning and significance by the people who use them. If you ever fin「研习更多 12生肖婚姻最佳配对内容请关注 :奇缘网,wWw.IqiYuAn.Cc」d yourself in Shanghai and need a new phone number, keep these factors in mind – you never know what kind of luck your digits may bring!