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2018年农历九月初三是什么星座 2018年的运势如何
The一千零一夜 英文版 9 4 1外
Story of Libra In the world of astrology, Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Represented by the scales, Libra is known for its love of balance, harmony, and justice. People born under this sign are said to be diplomatic, charming, and fair-minded. According to ancient Greek mythology, the scales were actually held by the goddess Themis, who was known for her wisdom and ability to see both sides of an argument. Themis would use the scales to weigh the virtues and sins of mortals, and determine their fate. As a result of her just and fair actions, Themis was highly respected and admired by both gods and mortals. However, as time went on, the scales became associated more with the constellation of Libra than with the goddess herself. In astrology, Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which is the planet of love and beauty. This explains why Libras are known for their love of all things beautiful, from art and music to fashion and design. However, Libras are not just concerned with their own personal aesthetic. They are also deeply co《分析更多 12生肖运程知识内容请关注 蜻蜓星座知识网,wWW.iQinGtinG.CC」mmitted to creating harmony and balance in their relationships and in the world around them. This means that they are skilled at compromising and finding a middle ground between opposing viewpoints. Despite their reputation for diplomacy, Libras can also be quite indecisive. This is because they are often torn between two equally attractive options, and they struggle to choose which one is the best. Overall, the story of Libra is one of balance, harmony, and justice. Whether you are a Libra yourself, or you simply admire their traits, there is much to be learned from this sign. By striving for balance and fairness in all areas of our lives, we can create a happier and more harmonious world for everyone.星座英语 摩羯与天秤真的不配吗


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