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这句英语怎么说 第332期 MP3 文本 十二星座英文怎么说
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rpio: The Mysterious and Powerful Zodiac Sign Scorpio, the eighth zodiac sign, is known for their mysterious and powerful nature. They are ruled by the planet Pluto, which represents transformation, rebirth, and power. Scorpios ar『领略更多 12星座的月份表常识请关注 :星座阁,wwW.xIngzuOGE.cC])e regarded as the most intense and passionate sign of the zodiac. One of Scorpio's most prominent traits is their ability to keep secrets. They have a reputation for being guarded and private, making it difficult for others to truly get to know them. This can prevent them from forming deep connections with others, but also allows them to maintain a sense of independence and control. Despite their secretive nature, Scorpios are fiercely loyal to those they consider important in their lives. They are also known for their magnetic charisma and intense sexuality, which can make them alluring yet intimidating. Scorpios crave deep emotional connections and can become vengeful if betrayed or hurt. Scorpios are natural detectives and have a talent for uncovering hidden truths and mysteries. They are also skilled at understanding people's motivations and intentions, making them excellent leaders and negotiators. In terms of career, Scorpios excel in positions that involve power, control, and secrecy. They make great detectives, psychologists, lawyers, and CEOs. They are often drawn to fields such as psychology, criminology, and investigation. Overall, Scorpio's mysterious and powerful nature makes them fascinating yet intimidating to others. Those who take the time to truly understand and appreciate Scorpios can be rewarded with a fiercely loyal and passionate companion.水瓶座用英语怎么说


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