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兴奋 不止一颗而是发现三颗超级地球
Sco宇宙暴力 黑洞撕裂吞噬恒星
rpius, also known as Scorpio, is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. It is located in the southern hemisphere and is best seen during the summer months. At the center of this constellation is the bright red star, Antares. Antares is a red supergiant star that is approximately 550 light-years away from Earth. It is 12 times more massive than our Sun and 700 times larger. The name Antares means “rival of Mars” in Greek, as its reddish color resembles that of the planet Mars. This star is an important object of study for astronomers. It is in the final stages of its life, and it is expected to explode as a supernova in the next few thousand years. The explosion will be visible from Earth, and it will be one of the brightest events in the sky for several weeks. Antares is 『分析更多 星座属相知识文章请关注 :雪球星座查询网,wwW.ixuEQiu.cC〗also a binary star, meaning that it has a companion star that orbits around it. This companion star is much smaller and cooler than Antares and is only visible with a telescope. The two stars are so close together that they orbit each other in just under 900 days. Scorpius has been known and observed since ancient times. The constellation is often associated with Scorpius, the giant scorpion from Greek mythology, who was sent to kill the hunter Orion. The two constellations are located opposite each other in the sky, and their rise and fall are said to be a never-ending battle. In addition to Antares, Scorpius contains many other interesting astronomical objects, such as globular clusters and nebulae. Two of the most famous clusters are M4 and NGC 6144, both of which are visible to the naked eye under dark skies. The Lagoon Nebula and the Omega Nebula are two of the most beautiful nebulas in the sky, and they are also located in the vicinity of Scorpius. In conclusion, Scorpius and its bright star Antares offer astronomers and stargazers plenty of exciting opportunities for observation and study. With its ancient mythology and stunning celestial objects, it remains one of the most popular and intriguing constellations in the night sky.围绕恒星旋转的行星,轨迹居然和彗星一样


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