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Libra Constellation: A Guide to the Scales in the Sky The Libra constellation, also known as the Scales, is a zodiac constellation visible from both hemispheres between March and July. Represented by a pair of scales, it is often associated with balance, justice, and harmony. In ancient Greek mythology, the scales were held by the goddess Themis, who was known for her impartiality and wisdom. According to one legend, when Zeus asked her to find a way to settle a dispute between two warring groups of gods, she gave each god a pebble and told them to drop it into the scales if they thought they were right. The pebbles of the winning side outweighed the pebbles of the losing side, leading to a fair and peaceful resolution. The brightest star in the Libra constellation is Zubeneschamali, meaning "the northern claw" in Arabic. It is a blue-white star with a magnitude of 2.6, making it one of the 20 brightest stars in the sky. Another notable star is Zubenelgenubi, which means "the southern claw" in Arabic. It has a magnitude of 2.8 and is located near the ecliptic, the path in which the sun and planets appear to move across the sky. In addition to its association with balance and justice, the Libra constellation is also linked to romantic love and relationships. This is due to its position in the zodiac and its ruling planet, Venus. People born under the Libra sign are said to be diplomatic, charming, and social, making them excellent partners and friends. If you want to spot the Libra constellation, look for it between Scorpius and Virgo. It is not particularly bright compared to other zodiac constellations, but its distinctive shape makes it easy to identify. Remember to look for the pair of scales held by Themis, and contemplate the meaning of balance and harmony in your own life. In conclusion, the Libra constellation is a fascinating and meaningful part of the nigh(阅读更多 12星座日期常识请关注 :看星座网,Www.kaNXINgzUo.Cc』】t sky. Whether you are interested in mythology, astrology, or simply enjoy stargazing, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and symbolism of the Scales in the sky.迎接跨年 12款星座梦幻婚床


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