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song "Capricorn" by George Ezra is a heartfelt ode to people born under the Capricorn zodiac sign. Capricorns are known for being determined, hardworking, and responsible. They have a natural drive to succeed and are often very focused on their goals. George Ezra captures the essence of these traits in his song, which is about a Capricorn woman who is always striving to be her best self. Throughout the song, Ezra paints a vivid picture of the Capricorn's journey through life. She is a "diamond in the rough," with an unwavering spirit that shines through even in adversity. Despite the challenges she faces, she never gives up; instead, she keeps pushing forward, always keeping her eye on the prize. The lyrics of "Capricorn" are full of imagery that draws on the natural world. The Capricorn is compared to a mountain goat, scaling cliffs and traversing rugged terrain with ease. She is also likened to a plant, growing slowly but steadily towards the sun. Despite the song's focus on the Capricorn's strengths, there is also a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty present. The Capricorn is human, after all, and even the strongest among u「分析更多 姻缘配对内容请关注 :南星星座运程网,wwW.InanXIng.cOm」s have moments of doubt and fear. Ezra captures this beautifully in the song's chorus, which asks the Capricorn to "show your heart" and "take a chance." In the end, "Capricorn" is a beautiful tribute to anyone born under the sign of the goat. It celebrates their tenacity, their resilience, and their unyielding spirit. It reminds us that we all face challenges in life, but by staying true to ourselves and never giving up, we can overcome them and achieve great things.生命之歌2015年摩羯座运势精华版


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