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De{十二星座的道歉信 对不起
领略更多 12星座配对资讯请关注 :奶糖星座网,wWw.inAItaNg.cC』ar Virgo, I am writing this letter to convey my deepest apologies to you. As a human being, I recognize that I have made a mistake which has caused you discomfort, disappointment or persuaded you to distrust me. However, I truly hope that the following words can alleviate your pain, even just a little bit. As a Sagittarius, sometimes I tend to be careless and forgetful about people's feelings, especially when I am busy pursuing my excitement and adventures. I might have hurt you innocently through my indiscreet actions or words. However, please believe that my intention was never to harm you in any way. I know that as a Virgo, you have high expectations for yourself as well as the people around you. You are meticulous, practical, and critical, and I always admire your intelligence and perfectionism. However, I realize that sometimes my impulsive nature might make you feel overwhelmed or irritated. I promise you that I will improve myself and be more conscientious, understanding, and attentive to your needs. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude and admiration for your patience and forgiveness. As a fire sign, I am known for my passion and enthusiasm, and sometimes I may forget the importance of delicate and considerate communication. However, your calm, rationality and analytical approach towards problem-solving always inspire me to be a better person. Thank you for being in my life and enlightening my world. Sincerely, A contrite Sagittarius12星座的道歉信 ,水瓶 摩羯请再爱我一次


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