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er-bearers who get into arguments or cold wars with their loved ones can be quite complicated to handle. Known for their stubbornness, they won't easily budge unless they're convinced they're in the wrong. So, how long will they stay mad? Well, it depends on the severity of the argument or misunderstanding. If it's a minor issue, they may quickly move on and forget about it like it never happened. However, if it's a major offense or a betrayal of trust, they may retreat into their icy fortress and not come out for a while. During this cold war, they may appear indifferent and aloof. They'll communicate with their partner minimally, if at all, and avoid any physical interaction. You may expect them to only give short, monosyllabic responses to your attempts at conversation. Furthermore, they're not the type to let their emotions show. They'll keep their feelings bottled up, however intense they may be. It's vital to remember that Aquarians are passionate individuals, and their silence doesn't mean they don't care. On the contrary, it's a sign that they care deeply but are struggling to expres《学习更多 女生内容请关注 :爱非常运势网,wWw.ifEICHAng.CC〗s themselves. The timeframe for a cold war may range from a few days to a few weeks. Generally, they won't hold a grudge forever. After some time, they'll want to break the stalemate and restore harmony to their relationship. However, it's essential to have an open and frank discussion about what happened to address the root cause of the problem. Water-bearers are logical thinkers, and they want to understand why things went awry. In conclusion, if you're in a disagreement with a water-bearer, prepare yourself for a potentially lengthy cold war. You can help speed up their recovery by initiating an honest conversation and reminding them how much you value their presence in your life.爱情之路坎坷崎岖的四大星座,白羊座易误伤,水瓶座太高傲


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