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Len吴亦凡的英文名字是什么 为什么明星都要起英文名字
a Meyer-Landrut: The Multi-Talented German Artist Lena Meyer-Landrut is a popular German singer and songwriter. She was born on May 23, 1991, in Hannover, Germany. Lena is quite famous for her pop music genre, which is a perfect blend of electronic and acoustic sounds. She has released six studio albums till now and has won several prestigious awards for her music, including the Eurovision Song Contest in 2010. Apart from being a singer, Lena is also a talented actress and TV host. She made her acting debut in the German film "Jesus Loves Me" in 2012. Later, she appeared in two other films, "Zeit der Helden" and "The Voice Kids." Lena has also hosted several TV shows, including "The Voice Kids" and "Sing meinen Song - Das Tauschkonzert." Lena Meyer-Landrut is a true representation of the balanced nature of the Libra zodiac sign. She has an excellent sense of style and fashion, which she showcases through her music videos and public appearances. Lena is always dressed to impress and is seen as a fashion icon by many of her fans. Another significant trait of Lena is her social consciousness. She is involved in various social initiatives and campaigns for issues like mental health, the environment, and animal rights. Lena has also supported charities like Greenpeace {分析更多 12星座配对内容请关注 蜜蜂星座知识网,WwW.iMifENg.CC」】」and PETA. In conclusion, Lena Meyer-Landrut is a versatile and multi-talented artist who has made a name for herself in the German music industry. Her music and style are admired by many, and her social conscience makes her a role model for others. Her achievements so far are truly impressive, and we can expect much more from her in the future.哪个星座的专属的英文名字会是可爱


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