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天使与恶魔 翻译成英文
The英文版 第32章节 天使VS恶魔
Devil of Libra As an air sign, Libra is known for its balance and diplomacy, always striving for peace and harmony. However, every zodiac sign has its dark side and Libra is no exception. The devil of Libra reveals itself when their obsession with fairness and justice becomes skewed and they become manipulative and deceitful in their quest to maintain the balance they desire. Libra’s desire for balance often leads them to plea for justice on behalf of others, but this can also lead to playing both sides and betraying those they once claimed to support. They are skilled at seeing both perspectives and using that to their advantage, often manipulating situations to suit their own agenda. Their love for beauty and luxury can also become a source of demonization, as they will go to great lengths to acquire these things - even if it means step《分析更多 宝宝免费起名文章请关注 :若雪取名网,Www.iRuoxUe.cOM』ping on others in the process. This can manifest in the form of greed and materialism, and they can become ruthless in their pursuit of perceived fairness and happiness. However, the devil of Libra can also be seen in their indecisiveness and tendency to avoid confrontation. Rather than facing difficult situations head-on, they will often refuse to make a decision or take action, leading to stagnation and missed opportunities. This passive-aggressive behavior can also lead to manipulation and emotional blackmail in order to get their way. In order to avoid giving in to the devil of Libra, they must learn to confront their own inner conflict and practice honest communication. They must also learn to prioritize their values and stick to them, even when it may not be the most comfortable or convenient path to take. There is no doubt that the devil of Libra can be a formidable force, but with self-awareness and conscious effort towards balance and honesty, the dark side can be kept at bay.12星座内心的阴暗面,每个人内心都有魔鬼,他们正在操纵着你


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