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English Name of Libra: What You Need to Know Libra is a sign of the zodiac that represents balance and harmony. It is the seventh sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. The English name of Libra comes from the Latin word "libra," which means "balance" or "scales." People born under the sign of Libra are known for their diplomatic and charming personalities. They have a great sense of justice and strive to create harmony in their relationships and surroundings. They are also known for their love of beauty and appreciation『推荐更多 婴儿免费起名常识请关注 :豆蔻起名网,WwW.imdOuKou.coM〕」 for the arts. In astrology, Libra is associated with the element of air, which represents intellect, communication, and socialization. This makes Libras excellent communicators who are skilled in social interactions and have a strong desire to connect with others. The symbol of Libra is the scales, which represent the need for balance and justice. Libras are great mediators and can see both sides of an argument, making them excellent problem solvers. As a Libra, it is important to maintain balance in all aspects of your life. This means paying attention to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, as well as nurturing your relationships and seeking harmony in your environment. In conclusion, the English name of Libra comes from the Latin word for balance, which is fitting for this sign of the zodiac. With their diplomatic personalities and desire for harmony, Libras are excellent communicators and problem solvers. It is important for Libras to maintain balance in all aspects of their lives in order to achieve their full potential.十二星座各星座人特质及适合的英文名


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