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Wat十二星座女生气时会怎么样 白羊座要你跪榴莲,金牛座不给你钱花
er signs are known for being sensitive and emotional, and this is definitely true for Aquarius. When it comes to conflicts and arguments, Aquarians tend to shut down and give the silent treatment – com〔分析更多 十二属相顺序文章请关注 :天天生肖配对网,wWw.pEidUi365.Com』monly known as the cold war. But just how long can an Aquarius hold a grudge? Well, it really depends on the situation and the intensity of the conflict. Generally speaking, an Aquarius can stay in a cold war for a few days, up to a week or two. However, this is not to say that they will always be the one to end the silence. Aquarians are independent and stubborn, and they may choose to keep their distance for much longer if they feel like their boundaries have been crossed or their trust has been betrayed. If you find yourself in a cold war with an Aquarius, it's important not to push them too hard or try to force a resolution. Instead, give them space and time to cool off, while also showing that you are open to communicating and resolving the issue. Ultimately, the key to ending a cold war with an Aquarius is to find common ground and focus on what you both want moving forward. By acknowledging each other's feelings and working together towards a solution, you can repair the relationship and move past the conflict.12星座冷战多久容易就让一段爱情告吹


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