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狮子座2020年运势 命里有贵人默默指路,生活过得无忧无虑
h House in Leo: The House of Creativity and Friendship The 11th house in astrology represents our community, social networks, and friendships. When Leo is placed in this house, it brings an emphasis on creativity, leadership, and self-expression within our social groups. People with this placement often have a magnetic and charismatic personality that attracts friends and acquaintances easily. They enjoy being the center of attention and tend to have a large social circle with diverse interests and backgrounds. They are natural leaders and often take charge of group activities, projects, or events. Leo's ruling planet, the Sun, also adds a sense of creativity and self-expression to this placement. People with this placement may have a strong artistic talent or a passion for the performing arts. They are great entertainers and often use their creativity to bring joy and fun to their social groups. However, Leo's love for attention can also add drama and conflict within friendships. People with this placement may struggle to share the spotlight or feel threatened by others who may outshine them. It is essential for them to learn how to balance their ego and collaborate with others to form healthy and supportive friendships. Overall, the 11th house in Leo is a powerful placement that brings creativity, leadership, and a strong sense of community to our lives. With the right balance of self-expression and collaboration, people with this placement can create meaningful friendships and make a (领略更多 十二生肖的来历资讯请关注 :萝卜生肖星座网,wWw.IluObo.cC]lasting impact on their social circles.木星对十二星座影响


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