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有趣的英语小故事 狮子和老鼠
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vs Leo: The Battle of the Lions The sun is shining down on the savannah as two male lions face off. Both of them are strong, proud, and fierce – typical traits of the Leo sign. They circle each other, making low growling noises as they prepare to fight. The first Leo launches forward, teeth bared and claws extended. The second Leo retaliates, tackling his opponent and pinning him to the ground. It seems like the second Leo has won, but the first Leo is not done yet. He springs back up and charges at his opponent again. The second Leo is taken by surprise and stumbles back, allowing the first Leo to land a blow. The fight goes back and forth like this for several minutes, both lions refusing to give up. Eventually, the first Leo gains the upper hand. He pins the second Leo down and bares his teeth in triumph. But instead of going for the kill, he backs off and lets his opponent go. The second Leo is surprised by this show of mercy. He had expected a fight to the death, but instead he has been given a second chance. He hesitates f《研习更多 十二生肖属相知识常识请关注 :大星座网,wWW.DAxinGzuO.Cc」」or a moment, then decides to retreat and live to fight another day. The first Leo watches him go, feeling a sense of satisfaction at his victory. He knows that he is strong and capable, but he also realizes that sometimes it's better to give your opponent a chance to recover. In the end, the two lions part ways, each nursing their wounds but also feeling a sense of respect for their opponent. They know that they are both powerful beings, but that sometimes even the strongest need to show a little mercy.狮子用英语怎么读


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