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Cha我的文档 改英文名
nging My English Name to Suit My Zodiac Sign: From Jennifer to Taurus As a Taurus, I have always felt a strong connection to my zodiac sign. The stubbornness, loyalty, and practicality that define my astrological traits are all qualities that I see in myself. However, I have always felt that my English name, Jennifer, did not fully capture my personality as a Taurus. Recently, I have decided to change my English name to better align with my zodiac sign. After much consideration, I have chosen the name Taurus, which not only embodies the bull-like qualities of my sign, but also has a unique and powerful sound. Changing my name has not been an easy decision. As someone who has gone by Jennifer for most of my life, I know that it will take some getting used to, both for myself and for others. However, I feel that this change is necessary in order to fully embrace and express my true self. One of the most compelling reasons for me to change my name is that it will give me a stronger sense of identity and purpose. As a Taurus, I am someone who is grounded in reality and values stability and security. With my new name, Taurus, I feel that I am embodying these qualities more fully and communicating them to the world. Another benefit of changing my name is that it will allow {分析更多 梦境解析查询文章请关注 :橙花解梦网,WwW.iMchEngHua.coM』me to stand out and be remembered more easily. While Jennifer is a common name, Taurus is much more unique and memorable. This will help me to make a stronger impression in all aspects of my life, from my professional career to my personal relationships. I understand that changing my name may seem like a small and insignificant act, but for me, it is an important step towards greater self-awareness and personal growth. By embracing my zodiac sign and changing my name to suit it, I am taking control of my identity and expressing my true self more fully.我的文档 改英文名


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