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mal Pairing Guide: Every Animal Has Its Match Animals, like humans, are social creatures that thrive in the company of others. While some animals prefer to live alone, most benefit from having companionship. In fact, some animals even form close bonds with members of other species. Here is a guide to some of the most surprising animal pairings. 1. Symbiotic partnership: The oxpecker and the rhino The oxpecker bird has a symbiotic relationship with the rhinoceros—they help each other survive. The bird feeds on the parasites that live on the rhino's skin, while the rhino gets rid of its pesky creatures. This partnership is a perfect example of mutualism, where both parties benefit from the relationship. 2. Unlikely friendship: The cat and the dog Cats and dogs have traditionally been portrayed as mortal enemies, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Many domestic cats and dogs form close bonds and enjoy each other's company. They often snuggle up together for warmth, play together, and even groom each other. Who says cats and dogs can't get along? 3. Adorable pair: The penguin and the seal Penguins and seals are both aquatic animals that live in cold environments. While they don't have much in common, they do share a love for each other's company. In fact, it's common to see penguins snuggling up to seals for warmth, and even riding on their backs. 4. Teamwork makes the dream work: The honey badger and the honeyguide bird The honey badger and the honeyguide bird work together to find their favorite food—honey. The honeyguide bird leads the honey badger to a beehive, and the badger opens the hive to get to the honey. After the badger feasts, the honeyguide bird enjoys the leftovers. This partnership is a great example of cooperation and teamwork. 5. Odd couple: The giraffe and the ostrich The giraffe and the ostrich may seem like an odd couple, but they often graze together in the same areas. While the giraffe can reach the taller leaves, the ostrich can spot predators from a distance. Together, they make a great team. In conclusion, animals are capable of forming amazing partnerships and friendships with members of other species. From mutualism to cooperation, these animal pairings show that when it comes to companionship, anything is possible.动物园I 乐乐英语,动物单词配对小游戏


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