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My 原来嗯哼的英文名是这么来的,这事还跟吴彦祖有关
Favorite Hobby: Running Running is my favorite hobby. It makes me feel alive, free and empowered. I love the feeling of my heart pounding and the wind rushing past me as I run. No matter what kind of day I'm having, going for a run always makes me feel better. Running is also a great way to stay healthy and fit. It's a fantastic cardiovascular workout that burns a lot of calories. It's also low cost - all you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe place to run. Running has also been shown to improve mental health, with studies linking it to reduced stress, anxiety and depression. I started running as a way to challenge myself and push my limits. At first, it was very difficult. I struggled to run even a few miles without stopping to catch my breath. But over time, I built up my endurance and became a better runner. Now, I regularly participate in races and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with finishing a long-distance run. Running has also taught me a lot about perseverance and dedication. It requires a lot of discipline to stick to a training plan and overcome the mental barriers that can arise during a run. But I've found that the satisfaction of accomplishing a goal makes it all worth it. All in all, running brings me a lot of joy and fulfillment. It's my go-to way to exercise and de-stress, and I plan to keep doing it for many years to come.简单好记的英语名字


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