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命运命 运 有人说 命和运是两个不同的东西, 命是命,运是运, 合在一起构成命运. 有些人相信人的一生凭由命运操控, 有的人命好运不好
Do 热读丨华尔街英语 崩盘 这届年轻人,早就不相信学英语能改变命运了
You Believe in Good Luck? Luck is a funny thing. Some people believe in it wholeheartedly, while others think it's nothing more than a myth. At its core, luck is simply chance - a random sequence of events that ultimately determine the outcome of a situation. And yet, despite its seemingly arbitrary nature, many people believe that luck can be influenced, manipulated, or even controlled. For those who believe in good luck, it can have a profound impact on their lives. They may carry around lucky charms, recite mantras or prayers, or perform certain rituals in order to increase their chances of success. They may also attribute their achievements to fate or divine intervention, rather than their own hard work or talent. But there are also those who reject the idea of luck entirely. They see it as an excuse for laziness or a way to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They believe that success is earned through effort and planning, not through chance or coincidence. So, which is the right way to approach luck - as a force to be reckoned with, or as a mere superstition? The answer may lie somewhere in between. While it's true that some people seem to have more luck than others, there is also a lot that can be done to increase one's chances of success. Having a positive attitude, being prepared and taking risks can all lead to more favorable outcomes. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe in good luck. Whether it's a self-fulfilling prophecy or simply a matter of chance, there's no denying that it can have a significant impact on our lives. The key is to find a healthy balance between taking action and trusting in the universe to guide us in the right direction.华尔街英语 崩盘 这届年轻人,早就不相信学英语能改变命运了


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