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e English Names As the world becomes more globalized, the use of English names is becoming increasingly popular. Many parents choose to give their children an English name, even if they live in non-English speaking countries. Additionally, adults may adopt an English name for themselves when interacting with people from English-speaking countries. One of the reasons for this trend is the perceived prestige associated with English names. They are often viewed as more modern and stylish than traditional names in local languages. Additionally, some people believe that having an English name can help them stand out in a crowded job market or social circle. However, there are also concerns about the cultural implications of using English names. Some argue that it reflects a western-centric mindset and undermines local language and culture. Furthermore, the practice of using English names can also lead to discrimination against those who do not conform to western standards. Despite these concerns, the use of English names continues to grow in popularity, especially in urban areas. It is important to remember that the choice of a name is a personal decision, and what may be viewed as a "prestigious" name in one culture may not be in another. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a name that reflects one's personal identity and values. In conclusion, while the use of English names is a trend that may have both positive and negative implications, it is ultimately up to individuals to decide what name they choose for themselves or their children. Whether it's an English name or a name in their local language, what matters most is that it is a name they can be proud of and that reflects who they are.英文名 Starstruck 中文名 明星之恋


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