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明星英文名谁的最高大上 娱乐圈奇怪英文名盘点,鹿晗出其不意
Lu 鹿晗的英文名是什么
Han, also known as His Royal Highness Lu Han, is a Chinese singer and actor who has successfully captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. He was born on April 20, 1990, in Haidian District, Beijing, China. Lu Han first rose to fame as a member of the popular Chinese boy band, EXO. He was one of the four Chinese members of the group and was known for his exceptional singing and dancing talents. However, in 2014, he left the group to pursue a solo career. Since his departure from EXO, Lu Han has released several successful albums, singles, and music videos. He has won numerous awards for his music and has even acted in a few Chinese television shows and movies. Aside from his impressive professional career, Lu Han is also known for his philanthropic work. He has donated money and participated in various charity events to help those in need. In addition to his music and acting career, Lu Han is also an avid fan of sports, particularly basketball. He has even played basketball professionally and is rumored to have been scouted by the Chinese Basketball Association. In conclusion, Lu Han is a talented and hardworking individual who has achieved significant success at a young age. He has inspired and touched the lives of many with his music and philanthropic efforts, and his fans eagerly await his next project. His English name may be simple, but his accomplishments speak volumes.鹿晗英文坦言自己 害怕坐飞机 ,行程都是坐 高铁 ,厉害了


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