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My 中文名字翻译英文名字格式
English Name - A Reflection on Personal Identity My English name is Jason, given to me by my parents when I was born. Growing up in a bilingual family, I have always had both a Chinese name and an English name. However, as I have grown older and interacted more with people outside of my cultural background, I have noticed that my English name is often the name that people use to refer to me. My English name has become a part of my identity, not just in terms of how others refer to me, but also in how I perceive myself. It is interesting how a simple name can tie into personal identity and even shape how we view ourselves. In my case, my English name reflects my multicultural background and my ability to navigate between different cultures and languages. It is not just my name that represents my identity, but also my personal values and beliefs. My English name, Jason, means "healer" or "to heal" in Greek. This name has inspired me to pursue a career in the healthcare industry, where I hope to be a healer for others in need. I believe that having an English name in addition to my Chinese name has allowed me to be more open-minded and adaptable in different cultural settings. It has also helped me better connect with people from different backgrounds. In this way, my English name has become a reflection of my identity and values. In conclusion, a name may seem like a small, insignificant part of our personal identity, but it can hold a lot of meaning and significance. My English name, Jason, has become a part of who I am and what I stand for. It has allowed me to embrace my multicultural background and connect with others in meaningful ways.常用英语人名都有哪些 怎么起英文名字呢


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