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Pis萨魔司 从你吃鸡的姿势,我一眼就看出你是哪个星座的了
ces Zodiac Sign: An Overview Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac, representing those born between February 19 and March 20. This water sign is ruled by the planet Neptune, named after the Roman god of the sea, which explains why Pisces individuals are often associated with the ocean, imagination, and spirituality. Pisces are known for their empathetic and sensitive nature. They have a deep connection to emotions and can easily pick up on other people's feelings, making them natural healers and counselors. They are also creative and artistic, with a strong imagination, and often express their emotions through art and music. One of Pisces' biggest strengths is their ability to adapt to different situations and people. They have a way of fitting in wherever they go, without losing their unique perspective on the world. They are also very intuitive and can sense when something is not right, which makes them great at picking up on hidden meanings and underlying emotions. On the flip side, Pisces can struggle with boundaries and may find themselves taking on the emotions and problems of others to the point of feeling overwhelmed. They can also be indecisive and have a tendency to avoid confrontation, which can lead to them being taken advantage of by others. In relationships and friendships, Pisces tend to be extremely loyal and supportive. They prioritize emotional connections and seek out deep, meaningful relationships. However, they may struggle with setting boundaries and communicating their needs, which can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Overall, Pisces are compassionate, imaginative, and insightful individuals who are always seeking to connect with others on a deep emotional level. While they may face challenges with boundaries and decision-making, their creativity and adaptability make them a valuable asset in any situation.十二星座传说故事 双鱼座传说


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