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cer: Emotionally Intuitive and Protective Cancer, represented by the crab, is the fourth sign of the zodiac and spans from June 21 to July 22. Individuals born under this water sign are known for their emotional intelligence, compassion, and protective nature. Cancerians are highly attuned to their own emotions as well as those of others. They are often considered the most intuitive of all the zodiac signs and are great at reading body language and tone of voice. Because of this, they make excellent listeners and are always there for their loved ones when they need emotional support. One of the most well-known traits of Cancerians is their fierce protectiveness over the people they care about. They are willing to go to great lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of their family and close friends. While this can sometimes lead to them being overprotective or clingy, it comes from a place of genuine concern and love. Cancerians are also very creative and have a great appreciation for the arts. They have a natural talent for music, writing, and visual arts. They often express their emotions through creative outlets and find solace in putting their feelings into their craft. However, Cancerians can also be prone to moodiness and fear of rejection. They can also struggle with letting go of the past and may hold grudges for longer than necessary. It is important for them to learn to let go and move forward in order to avoid getting stuck in negative emotions. Overall, Cancerians are deeply emotional and nurturing individuals who can form strong bonds with those around them. They possess great intuition and creativity, and their protective nature makes them incredible allies and friends.星座还可以解码英文名字,快看你的英文名字取对了吗


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