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Can双鱼座 欲语含羞
cer: The Sensitive Water Sign Cancer is one of the twelve zodiac signs in astrology. It is represented by the crab, which reflects its defensive nature. Cancer is a water sign ruled by the moon, making it highly intuitive, emotional, and nurturing. If you were born between June 21 and July 22, you are considered a Cancer. Cancers are known for their natural ability to sense the feelings and emotions of others. They can empathize with those around them and provide a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. This is why Cancers make great friends, family members, and romantic partners. However, Cancers are also highly sensitive. They often feel deeply and are easily hurt by criticism or rejection. They can also be moody and require time alone to recharge. Cancers need to feel safe and secure in their relationships and environment, which is why they can come off as guarded or defensive. In relationships, Cancers are loyal and devoted partners. They seek a deep emotional connection with their significant other and often express their love through acts of service and affection. Cancers also make great parents, as they are nurturing and protective of their children. Career-wise, Cancers excel in fields that allow them to use their natural intuition and empathy, such as counseling, social work, or teaching. They can also thrive in creative fields, as their emotions and sensitivity can fuel their artistic expression. Overall, Cancers are complex and multifaceted individuals. They have a natural ability to connect with others on an emotional level, but can also be highly sensitive and guarded. Cancers value security and stability in their relationships and environment, and they strive to create a safe and loving home for themselves and their loved ones.星座对雅思备考的负面影响


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