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十二星座都喜欢什么音乐 get到你了吗
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the year 2022 begins, the zodiac sign of Taurus will reign supreme, with its stubborn yet steady personality leading the way. To celebrate this earth sign, we've compiled a list of the top English songs for Taurians to enjoy this year. First on our list is "Golden" by Harry Styles. This upbeat track is the perfect match for Taurians' love for all things luxurious and indulgent. With its catchy chorus and feel-good melody, "Golden" is sure to become a favorite of any Taurus. Next up is "Shallow" by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Taureans tend to be fiercely loyal to their loved ones, and this heartfelt ballad about finding strength in vulnerability will resonate deeply with them. For those times when Taurians just need to let loose and have a good time, "Levitating" by Dua Lipa is the ideal choice. This dance-pop hit celebrates the importance of living in the moment and enjoying life to the fullest, something that Taurians can sometimes forget in their pursuit of stability and security. No list of songs for Taurus would be complete without a nod to the legendary Stevie Wonder, and "Superstition" fits the bill perfectly. This iconic track celebrates the power of intuition and reminds Taurians that sometimes it's necessary to take risks and trust their instincts. Finally, we have "All I Want" by Kodaline. With its haunting melody and emotional lyrics, this song captures the deep and sentimental nature of Taurians. It's the perfect anthem for anyone born under the sign of the bull, who values meaningful connections and long-lasting relationships above all else. So whether you're a die-hard Taurus or just appreciate the unique qualities of this zodiac sign, these songs are sure to provide a soundtrack for the year ahead. With their messages of love, loyalty, and determination, they capture everything that makes Taurians such a force to be reckoned with.12星座失恋时的疗伤歌曲 送给感伤中的你


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