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ermelon, Apple, Orange – these are just some of the popular fruit brands that we know and love. But have you ever wondered how the names of these brands came to be? When it came to naming their brand, fruit vendors often chose to name it after the type of fruit they were selling. This was a simple and straightforward approach, and《研习更多 十二生肖属相知识常识请关注 :大星座网,wWW.DAxinGzuO.Cc」」 it made it easy for customers to associate the brand with the fruit. The name would also convey the freshness and quality of the fruit, which was important in attracting and retaining customers. However, as the market became more competitive, vendors started to get creative with their branding. They began to incorporate colors, animals, and even people into their brand names. For example, Red Delicious Apples and Golden Delicious Apples were named after their color and flavor. The Chiquita banana brand used a memorable animated character named Miss Chiquita to appeal to consumers. Another trend that emerged over time was using puns or wordplay in brand names. For example, the JUICY Fruit brand cleverly emphasized the juicy flavor of their gum, while Fanta used a play on the word “fantastic” to communicate the amazing taste of their soda. In summary, there are many factors that influence the naming of fruit brands, including simplicity, creativity, and wordplay. But ultimately, the goal is to create a brand that will be memorable, catchy, and appealing to consumers. So next time you pick up a piece of fruit with a catchy brand name, think about the story behind it.秀下新汉服买了好久没穿过忽律舞蹈没学11月24号晚七点炫ST舞蹈家族晚会不见不散


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