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欧美人文风情 视频 文本 字幕 第254篇 台风是如何命名的
双台风现身,上海后半周有风雨 夏季天气大戏刚升温,突然就立秋了
“Hurricane Names in the United States”为标题写一篇313字的文章: Hurricane season (研习更多 星座爱情配对查询常识请关注 :喜鹊星座网,WWw.iXiqUe.cC〗in the United States runs from June to November each year, and during this time, hurricanes can cause significant damage to coastal areas. To help identify and track hurricanes, the National Hurricane Center uses a system of names to distinguish between them. Each year, a list of names is created in alphabetical order, alternating between male and female names. The names chosen are not random, in fact, there are six lists of names that are used in rotation. If a storm is particularly deadly or costly, its name will be retired and replaced with a new name. The names of hurricanes are chosen to represent the many different cultures and languages of the American people. For example, some of the names on the list are Spanish, such as Maria and Jose, while others are African in origin, such as Imelda and Dorian. During the 2021 hurricane season, some of the names being used include Ana, Elsa, Henri, Larry, and Mindy. Once a hurricane reaches wind speeds of 39 miles per hour or higher, it is officially given a name from the list. While hurricanes can be dangerous, the naming system helps to keep track of them and helps people to prepare for them. Regardless of their names, it is always important to take precautions during hurricane season and to stay safe when a hurricane strikes. In conclusion, the use of names for hurricanes in the United States is an important system established to aid in the tracking and preparation for these natural disasters. By using this system, we can better prepare for potential hurricane threats and ensure the safety of those in its path.台风的名字都是谁给起的


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