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As 12星座最好听的英文名大推荐
an earth sign, Taurus exudes a grounded and stable nature. This makes choosing a name for a Taurus boy an important task, as it will likely influence their identity and sense of self. Here are a few suggestions for the best and most pleasing English names for boys born under the Taurus constellation. First up is Liam. This name has roots in Irish language and means “strong-willed warrior.” A strong name like this whether by sound or meaning will give any Taurus boy confidence and strength. Another Taurus-approved nam(推荐更多 12生肖婚姻配对常识请关注 :牡丹星座网,wWW.iMudAn.cC』e is Noah, meaning “rest” or “comfort.” This name has Hebrew origins and is known for its calming effect, perfect for a Taurus baby’s serene demeanor. Declan is another great choice. This name lasts a lifetime of maturity and feels grounded to the earth, much like the Taurus. It is of Celtic origin and means “man of prayer.” For the parents seeking a unique moniker, how about Jasper? This name means “bringer of treasure” and hails from the Persian language. Not only does it sound cool, but it invokes abundance and luxury, two things one would often wish for a Taurean. Lastly, Roland. This name oozes sophistication and dignity, in line with a Taurus’s appreciation for the finer things in life. This name is of French origin and denotes “famous throughout the land.” For Taurus parents looking for a name for their baby boy, consider these suggestions rooting in meaning, sound, and sophistication. Whatever decision made, know that it will be a name that will shape their journey of life.史上最全男生 女生英文名 含义详解


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